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Holistic Wellness Program

  • Wanting to live a healthier lifestyle but aren’t sure where to start?

  • Suffer from digestive issues?

  • Tired of feeling tired?

  • Feel like crap but not sure how you got to feeling this way or what to do to change it?

  • Have general wellness concerns?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then the Holistic Wellness Program may be just what you need to get your health back on track.

Time For Change written in beach sand

Program Details


During the initial consultation, we will go over a detailed review of your health history, health concerns, symptoms, current diet and lifestyle habits, and goals.


I will then come up with a customized plan for us to go over in the second session. We start exactly where you are right now and we will work within your day-to-day lifestyle. This plan will vary based on your specific needs and goals but typically consists of a customized food list, recommended nutrients, and herbs, energetic health guidelines, suggestions for managing stress, and recommended lab testing.

There will then be 4 subsequent 30-min follow up sessions scheduled weekly, bi-weekly, or as needed. During these visits, we will go over questions, review your progress, and adjust your plan as needed.

 Layla Hanjani Holistic Wellness Program Coach

You can always message me via email or text with any questions that come up in-between visits.

Save $40

Sign up for the Holistic Wellness Program and save $40

or you can pay as you go for each visit at the time of booking

Holistic Wellness Program

Purchase By The Session

You may pay for the Holistic Wellness Program per session.

Choose your session below, you must start with the Initial Consultation.

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